Mass Effect 2 Dlc Cerberus Network Cracker
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Free Games & DLC Free Games Free DLC Budget Gaming Games Under $5 Games Under $10 Games Under $15 Games Under $20 Demos & Trials Early Access Backwards Compatibility What's New Pre-Orders My Account. Login Register Reset Password Platform. Xbox 360 Xbox One (Current) Region. Hi, I got Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition but I can´t get access to Cerberus Network so I can´t activate and play DLCs. If someone knows how to solve the problem I´ll be gratefull Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments. Bioware has announced that the game’s daily Cerberus Network news updates will stop on January 24th, the one year anniversary of the service, but will resume a week before the final DLC pack and two weeks before Mass Effect 3, which should land this ‘Holiday Season’.
Earlier this week, BioWare revealed that Mass Effect 2’s downloadable content will be delivered via the in-game “Cerberus Network.” Access to this network — and the promised launch-day DLC — is granted free via a one-time-use code included with each new copy of the game.
You can still access the Cerberus Network if you purchase the game used, but you’ll have to pony up a fair amount for the privilege — 1200 Microsoft Points ($15) to be precise.
Cerberus Network Xbox One
Click“read more” to see the Cerberus Network membership card and screenshots from the network itself. Click any screenshot to see a larger version.
Mass Effect 2 Dlc List
Why is it so expensive? Well, most used-game outlets sell the most recent games for $5-$10 less than the cost of a new game. Now add $15 to the price tag if you want the same experience out of the box as someone who purchased a new copy. Voila! It’s now cheaper for you to buy the game new, which makes BioWare and EA very happy.
Mass Effect 2 Dlc Steam
I fired up Bitmob’s shiny, new copy of Mass Effect 2 to see what the Cerberus Network currently has to offer. The computer display in the main menu immediately informed me that new content was available. I was able to download the Normandy Crash Site mission, but was unable to download the Blood Dragon Armor and the bounty hunter, Zaeed. This could be because I had yet to start a new game, or because the game doesn’t come out until next week and the content simply hasn’t been added to the network yet.
Check out the gallery below for a look at the Cerberus Network membership card and screenshots from the network.