Associate Software Engineer Accenture Philippines
Glassdoor has 203 interview reports and interview questions from people who interviewed for Associate Software Engineer jobs at Accenture in Philippines. Interview reviews are posted anonymously by Accenture Philippines interview candidates and employees. Accenture Associate Software Engineer Interview Questions in Philippines. I interviewed at Accenture (Manila, Manila (Philippines)) in April 2013. Glassdoor has 208 interview reports and interview questions from people who interviewed for Associate Software Engineer jobs at Accenture in Philippines. Interview reviews are posted. Associate Software Engineer - Accenture Jobs, companies, people, and articles for LinkedIn’s Associate Software Engineer - Accenture members Insights about Associate Software Engineer.
So I've received a call for a job offer in Accenture for Associate Software Engineer (an entry level job for fresh grads). Next week will be signing of contract.
Accenture Philippines Website
Lately, I've been reading pinoyexchange about past experiences of some employees who were hired on this position. Three things really stood out for me and I would like to ask members from r/PH about your opinion about this.
Associate Software Engineer Jobs
After being hired as an ASE, there's a 2-3 month bootcamp that will train you for (1) programming language regardless if you know or don't know anything about it. This is to prepare you for future projects inside the company. Is this true?
Since this bootcamp is similar to a classroom, you will be graded by your performance inside the training. If you failed a few times, Accenture will fire you. Is this true?
In case you got fired because you failed on a bootcamp (since you were placed on an area NOT part of your expertise), would this mean you have also invalidated the 1-year bond agreement between you and the company and accenture will demand you to pay 100,000PHP. Is this true?
Associate Software Engineer Accenture Philippines Login
**Bonus Question: For those who have been an ASE in Accenture for one year, could you share your experiences pls? (e.g. bootcamps, bond contracts, etc).